I’ve never felt so Canadian than I have being away from Canada. The distance gives you a perspective on home. You also become an observer of your new home, and this involves a lot of comparisons with your old home. The distance also helps to define your sense of self once you realize that home is such a huge part of you, including so many things you took for granted that are now completely foreign – in every sense of the word – to those in your new circle.

Since being in LA I have made some friends of Canadian expats and it’s such a blast to meet and talk about Canada and experience connections that are unexpectedly joyful for involving things implicitly shared. I attended a songwriters meeting this year on Canada Day and connected with another Canadian for just this very reason.

I understand now why so many Canadian musicians travel the world but come home eventually, even after achieving enormous success abroad. The worldly perspective gained is a productive one to have but a Canadian musician will always have Canada in their heart.


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