Big thanks to the cool cats at Five Dragons Music for including my song on two – count ’em two!! – of their hot jazz playlists. Links are here to check them out on Apple Music, Spotify or Youtube Music and save them to your libraries 👏👏 

Plenty of great tunes here and I seriously don’t know which one I like best cause I love them both 🤔

Ornithology is fun cause it brings together so many great jazz tracks with an avian theme. Who’d a thought it?? Take a ‘gander’ yourself (get it? 😊). Click ‘Stream Now’  below to choose your streaming service of choice and enjoy the music.

Latin Jazz is a ‘must’  because there’s such an incredibly rich history of these two genres fuzing together into some pretty iconic music 🔥 Click ‘Stream Now’ below to get links to your streaming services and follow along by saving to your libraries:

Always bringing you the great tunes ♥️ Enjoy!










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