What a great time I had. Joined by Peter Smith on piano we sang a couple of songs. We screened the video for the first time… and there was birthday cake for yours truly. I’m so thankful for the people who came out to support me, sip a little champagne, and kick off the single release. I’m also thankful for all who streamed the event live, caught it after on social media, and who liked and shared it out. Thanks a ton!

The love is filtering in now and I’m beyond overwhelmed with the feedback and attention the song and video are getting. This has been such a labour of love and it’s so gratifying that so many are connecting to it and feeling the love!

Now I’m looking forward to the release of the album on October 18th. Big things planned! Stay tuned. The album is available now for pre-order on iTunes too so please check it out.


making a wish!!

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